

    Cultural day story photo                                                                                            

The Student Experience Team hosted a remarkable Cultural Day event which took place on Wednesday 30th March 2022.

It was a special day where our students and staff were able to celebrate each other's cultures and traditions whilst also discovering the unique heritage of other students and teachers at our college; a day full of learning and appreciation.                                                                                                                 


There was certainly magic in the air when our Level 3 Year 1 Performing Arts students collaborated with our H.E Specialist Make-Up studies group to present “Heros, Villains and Fantasy Characters”. Lights, Sound and Choreography  was shared with an enthusiastic and very full audience in our Endeavour Theatre in February 2022.

    Bett story image

On Wednesday 23th March 2022, 30 BTEC Level 2 and Level 3 Yr. 1 & Yr. 2 ICT students got to explore BETT 2022 Tech Exhibition and what emerging technologies are introduced to education sector.

Posts Renee Jack petchy award
A very big congratulations to Renee Adu-Poku, one of our supported learning students for winning a Jack Petchey Award.

                                                               O.I.N.K image two

Former Media and Performing Arts student Simba Masaku, returned to West Thames this term to work with Media Production and Specialist Make-up students on his new movie O.I.N.K. 


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