
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. It reports directly to Parliament and is both independent and impartial. It inspects schools, colleges and other providers with the aim of providing information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold providers to account.

Ofsted Inspection 2024

The College is being inspected by Ofsted from Tuesday 3rd December to Friday 6th December. This is an important opportunity for us to showcase the excellent work that we do for our students, from the hard work of our staff, to our liaison with parents/carers, and through collaboration with our employers and other partners. It will enable us to demonstrate our absolute commitment to ensuring that every student has an outstanding experience in their time with us, enabling them to achieve their qualifications, to develop their skills and to progress to their next step.

We are incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made on our Journey to Outstanding (J2O) and we look forward to sharing the impact of our work with the inspectors.

Thank you for your continued support, enabling our students to succeed and progress.

Ofsted Report 2021


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