Careers And Guidance

Support & Guidance

West Thames College has an excellent reputation for the additional support we give to all our students.

We believe that all students should have fair and equal access to their chosen learning programme and all aspects of college life. We will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that college facilities are accessible to you and that all your learning and support needs are met.

Our booklet outlines the support available for students who have disabilities and/or learning difficulties.

If you have a physical, mental health or sensory impairment and/or learning disability, please let us know when you apply so that we can make arrangements for you.

Our specialist staff

Specialist Staff include Educational Psychologists, British Sign Language interpreters, Communication Support Workers, Speech and Language Therapists, specialist note takers, Irlen screening.

Within the college, there are specialist dyslexia staff, specialist support staff, a counsellor, mentors and medically trained support workers.


Individual support package

Support will be allocated according to need and can include:

  • Extra 1:1 Literacy or numeracy with input from specialist staff members
  • Small group and/or in-class support
  • Specialist equipment and/or software. Adapted materials and/or furniture
  • Adapted curriculum and/or modified assessment arrangements
  • Specialist support (British Sign Language interpreter, sighted guide etc)
  • Mentoring
  • Counselling
  • Transport for curriculum related trips

There may be limits to the type of support we can provide for international students as you will be expected to cover all of your learning costs. However many adjustments cost very little or nothing at all and we will make every effort to ensure that support is put in place. If we cannot provide the support you require you may be able to apply to charitable trusts for assistance.

Further information

For further information and advice, download the Disability Matters booklet or contact the Head of Inclusion on 020 8326 2103. We want to make sure that West Thames College is the right place for you. Come to an Open Event to meet the staff and to view the modern, accessible facilities.

SEND Local Offer information

Ambitious about Autism

AaA logo

Ambitious about Autism

College partner providing educational services and support for young people with autism.


Project Search

A work-based supported learning programme for 17-24 year-olds.

Find out more

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