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West Thames College is proud to announce we are London’s Number 1 College for student achievement for the second consecutive year.

Our overall achievement rate for 2022-23 stands at an impressive 91%, placing us in the top 3% nationally. This exceptional performance is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and staff.

In addition to our overall achievement, our 16-18 achievement rate for 2022-23 was also a remarkable 88.3%, placing us in pole position in London.

"I am delighted that once again, our students have excelled, achieving fantastic outcomes for the second year running. For us, it’s not just about their academic achievements but the wider skills that our students successfully develop, enabling them to progress and thrive. I am incredibly proud of all of our students and of course, the amazing WTC staff who provide the support and the environment that allow our students to reach their goals" - Tracy Aust, CEO and Principal

Our position was confirmed in The National Achievement Rate Tables (NARTs), collated by the Department for Education which details the achievements of educational institutions across the country.

Our students and staff are the key to our success. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to support students, providing them with the guidance, resources, and encouragement they need to achieve their goals. Our students, in turn, are driven by a passion for learning and a determination to succeed.

“I came from Iran two years ago and started studying ESOL at the College. Now I am on the Level 3 Brentford FC Development Programme. West Thames College has provided me with a platform to achieve my dreams. Thank you to all the staff at West Thames College for all the support and opportunities you provide” - Ako Rostami, Student

As we look to the future, we are confident that our commitment to excellence will continue to yield exceptional results. We are proud to be the top-performing college in London, and we are excited to see what the future holds for our students and staff.

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