
Start Date
Full Time

The fast moving world of digital is creating numerous opportunities to build exciting creative careers converging both creative and IT skills. This course will give you an insight into new digital media and help you to gain both practical IT and creative skills and knowledge relevant to future study in either Media, IT or employment as an Apprentice.

Our Level 1 Foundation Learning Courses are designed especially for young people with special educational needs, disabilities, other support needs or those who have few or no formal qualifications. There are specific Foundation Learning courses with language support for students requiring EAL/ESOL support.

These courses offer a supportive introduction to various vocational pathways. All of our Level 1 Foundation Learning Courses include:

  • A focus on improving English and maths skills
  • Developing self-confidence through a personal and social development tutorial programme
  • Gaining practical employability skills like CV writing and interview preparation
  • A thorough introduction to your specific chosen course subject, and an introductory vocational qualification
  • Working towards progression to level 2 courses, or supported internships, or employment.

With small class sizes and expert support, we'll help you build the skills and confidence for your next steps.

  • About the Course

    You will study:

    • Moving image
    • Visual effects
    • Photography
    • Graphic design
    You will also learn the foundations of coding and web development.
  • Entry Requirements

    There are no entry requirements but you will have an interview.

  • Progression

    Level 2 Creative Media Production or Information and Creative Technology course, a Business Administration apprenticeship, other related level 2 course or employment.

How to Apply

Please click the apply now button and fill out the online application form. An adviser will be in touch regarding interview dates.


Course Info

Courses for 16-18 years

Full Time

Level 1

Location Isleworth

Start Date 01/09/2025

UAL Level 1 Diploma

Gabrielle Luu-Moynihan
L3 Creative Media Production

Gabrielle is well on her way to a successful career in media having secured a highly sought after Fast Forward internship at Sky Studios.

Gabrielle Luu-Moynihan

Jeniequa Evinti Quamina
L3 Music

As well as starting her own music movement 'DA UPCOMIN', Jeniequa has her own online radio show, a clothing line Doll Domination, released her first EP ‘Real’ and recorded a single with Skyelab Music.

Jeniequa Evinti Quamina
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