This course is designed to give you a good foundation in beauty therapy. It covers health and safety, facial treatments, manicures and assisting in the salon.
Our Level 1 Foundation Learning Courses are designed especially for young people with special educational needs, disabilities, other support needs or those who have few or no formal qualifications. There are specific Foundation Learning courses with language support for students requiring EAL/ESOL support.
These courses offer a supportive introduction to various vocational pathways. All of our Level 1 Foundation Learning Courses include:
- A focus on improving English and maths skills
- Developing self-confidence through a personal and social development tutorial programme
- Gaining practical employability skills like CV writing and interview preparation
- A thorough introduction to your specific chosen course subject, and an introductory vocational qualification
- Working towards progression to level 2 courses, or supported internships, or employment.
With small class sizes and expert support, we'll help you build the skills and confidence for your next steps.
About the Course
You will learn through a variety of activities in the class and also through work experience in the college salons.
You will study:
- Introduction to the hair and beauty sector
- Facial treatments and skin care
- Basic manicure and pedicure
- Presenting a professional image in a salon
- Employability skills
- Teambuilding.
You will also study functional skills or GCSE in English and maths.
You will have a personal tutor to guide and support you through the course. A weekly tutorial allows you and your tutor to develop individual learning plans that will assist in learning and in developing responsibility for your own learning.
Additional Costs
Additional Fees
£50.98 - beauty kit, tunic and textbook (cost subject to change).
Entry Requirements
None, but you will have an assessment. If you need advice before you apply, please call 020 8326 2000 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Level 2 Beauty Therapy or work as an assistant or receptionist in a beauty salon.
Assessment Method
You will be assessed through practical assessments and by building a portfolio of work throughout the year. Regular reports on progress are provided to parents/guardians of students aged under 19 years.
The programme is unit based and is delivered individually at different stages throughout the course. You will be assessed when you feel you are competent. There are three areas of assessment:
- Practical: you carry out the skill
- Oral: you answer questions on your underpinning knowledge of the skill
- Written: a portfolio of evidence or a on line test or an assignment, depending on the unit.